paint by number quilts
what is a pbnq?
A Paint By Number Quilt (PBNQ) is a quilt made from a photograph and made up of a combination of solids and blender print fabrics, with clearly defined sections of different shades and colours. This looks a little similar in design to a vintage Paint by Number painting. With the PBNQ patterns, you actually get a colour key and templates that are numbered to make the quilt.
I teach a turned edge freezer paper applique to make these designs, with minimal stitching and a focus on organic and utilitarian free motion quilting.
I am available to teach quilt guilds around the world on Zoom, but I am also open to travel with expenses payable to the guild. See below for class outlines and pricing.
design your own pbnq
Three Day Workshop (2 1/2 hours, 3 1/2 hours, 3 1/2 hours)
Day 1 - You will work from a photograph to identify colours and shading and create your own drawing to make templates from.
Once drawn out and then finalized in ink (or created on iPad), you will then create a scanned image and upload to a local printer, collecting before day 2.
Day 2 - Making the freezer paper templates from your own design, figuring out colour placement. Cutting templates and starting the fusing and gluing process.
Day 3 - Continuing the fusing and gluing process. Smaller quilts may be completed in this time, so a machine *may* be required, along with backing and batting, and we will do some quilting, but it is not guaranteed. Quilting will be discussed regardless.
$600 Two Day Variant also available
3 1/2 hour Workshop
Learn how to do the turned edge freezer paper applique method. Referring to the Raccoon pattern in Paint By Number Quilts, we will create most of the design in class time. Fewer fabric colours and shades are required, but people will need to have made most of their choices prior to the class. No machines required.
design taster
3 1/2 hour Workshop - recommended as an add-on to the turned edge taster
Once you know how the quilts go together, you might want to try your hand at designing your own. Class order can be decided by the guild, so you could do the design part and then use the turned edge taster second.
You will work from a photograph to identify colours and shading and create your own drawing to make templates from. You will then create a scanned image and upload to a local printer (such as Staples Copy Shop) as an architect/engineer drawing in a suitable size, which will take at least a day to print. It will be up to you to pay for and collect this print, and then use the instructions from the Paint By Number Quilts book or another class to create your quilt on your own at home (unless running the Taster class immediately after).